All-On-X Hybrids Bootcamp
Date & Time
June 13 - 15, 2025
9:00 AM - 5:00 PM
FMR Digital Center
300 Sylvan Ave, Fl 3
Englewood Cliffs, NJ
24 CE

Over the span of three days, this comprehensive course covers designing, customizing, and finishing hybrid dentures and full arch zirconia restorations with MiYo and crea.lign composite systems. Through hands-on workshops and technology presentations, attendees will learn the latest techniques and technologies in prosthodontics and benefit from learning surgical immediate load workflows, provisionals and characterization techniques with pink composite and green stage zirconia, as well as finishing and conditioning methods for optimal restoration outcomes.
Laptops with all relevant programs/software will be provided, as well as all tools and supplies needed. Attendees may bring their own tools and brushes if desired. Breakfast
and lunch will be provided.
Hands-on design using Exocad for hybrids and dentures
Customization techniques for full arch zirconia restorations with MiYo
Provisional fabrication with 3D printed and milled hybrid provisionals using crea.lign bredent composite system
Characterization and finishing of full arch zirconia restorations with MiYo
Conditioning of structure with primer application and review of excesses
Application of crea.lign pink composite for milled PMMA and 3D printed provisionals